Dr. Ronan Freyne's Blog
Why Are My Gums Bleeding? With Your Chevy Chase Dentist
December 28, 2018
Is that blood in the sink? Are your gums bleeding? It’s a little thing, so you just decide to move on with your day. Stop! You shouldn’t ignore it. Bleeding gums could mean something more significant is going on in your mouth and with your oral health. Learn all about the causes of your bleeding gums with your Chevy Chase dentist. (more…)
6 Bad Dental Habits from Your Chevy Chase Dentist
December 14, 2018
You need to open plastic packaging, and you don’t want to go get the scissors. You could use your teeth, right? Stop! Don’t do it! Bad dental habits could create a dental emergency that you’d need to address with your Chevy Chase dentist.
Maybe you’ve picked up some bad habits here and there when it comes to your teeth, but the good news is that you can replace them with good habits and protect your smile. After all, you have only one set of permanent teeth. Take good care of them by avoiding these common pitfalls to help prevent a dental emergency from happening to you. (more…)
Your Dentist in Chevy Chase Explains How to Care for Your Toothbrush
November 11, 2018
When it comes to maintaining your oral health, one of the key contributors is your toothbrush. For it to remain effective, though, requires that it be cared for properly. That includes knowing when to replace the toothbrush, how to store it correctly and other factors that you’ll learn about from your dentist in Chevy Chase.
Your Dentist in Chevy Chase Explains When to Replace Your Toothbrush
September 4, 2018
How often do you replace your toothbrush? No matter whether you use a manual or electric brush, your bristles will begin to fray and not clean your teeth as well as they should over time. Brushing your teeth is an integral part of your oral healthcare routine but using an old toothbrush can hurt you more than it can help you! Keep reading to find out why you should replace your brush, even if it’s your favorite, from an expert dentist in Chevy Chase.
Your Dentist in Chevy Chase Says Fresh is Best with Dental Products
August 19, 2018
When you’re shopping for meat or dairy products at your local grocer, it’s common to check the expiration date to make sure that you and your family don’t get sick from consuming them. Have you ever wondered about the expiration date on your oral hygiene products, though? If so, then your dentist in Chevy Chase has some helpful information that will help you select the right products and know when it’s time to go shopping for replacements.
Discover the Benefits of a Family Dentist in Chevy Chase
July 29, 2018
When it comes to your loved ones, they deserve to benefit from the best. To promote generations of healthy smiles, their dental care should match your expectations. To ensure that they get the care that they need, it is best to choose a dentist in Chevy Chase who can cater to everyone—no matter their age. With one dentist by your family’s side, you will benefit from a higher level of care while also making the services you need convenient.
Chevy Chase Dentist Talks About the Power of Prevention!
July 7, 2018
It’s one of those paradoxes in life that the best way to see a dentist less…is actually to go more! That sounds confusing at first, but it makes more sense when you realize how regular checkups prevent more serious problems with your oral health later on. Many people only think of their checkups as an opportunity to get a cleaning, but there’s so much more that happens at your visits with a Chevy Chase dentist! Find out more in this blog about the power of prevention and how it saves you both money and time in the long run!
3 Uses for Fluoride Treatment
May 16, 2018
Fluoride is a nutrient essential for the development and maintenance of healthy teeth. As your teeth from below the gum line, ingested fluoride helps to ensure your tooth enamel is dense and durable. Patients can receive ingested fluoride from a variety of sources, including tap water, certain vegetables, and supplements. Once teeth erupt from the gum line, topical fluoride helps to keep your smile strong, healthy, and free from decay. Patients receive topical fluoride through daily brushing with fluoridated toothpaste and the use of certain oral rinses. Patients in need of extra fluoride may also want to receive professional topical fluoride applications, during their six month dental exams. In this post, we’ll talk about 3 uses of fluoride treatment patients may need to keep their smiles whole and healthy.
Answers to 4 Common Dental Questions
April 11, 2018
When it comes to caring for their smiles, patients have a lot of questions. The goal of every good dentist is to help patients better understand how to achieve their healthiest smiles and keep them healthy for life. That’s why they’re always happy to answer questions and provide educational resources to help patients get the care they need in our office and at home. In this post, we’ll answer some of those questions we hear most often from our patients to help you learn more about why preventive dentistry is so important.
5 Myths About Gum Disease From A Dentist in Chevy Chase!
March 4, 2018
Did you know the CDC estimates that nearly 65 million Americans have some form of gum disease? Not only that, but the rate increases with age, and an estimated 70% of people over the age 65 have it. Unfortunately, there are a lot of myths about gum disease that can prevent you from having great oral health!
Periodontal (gum) disease can be defined as an inflammatory condition that erodes the gums and supporting bone around the teeth. In advanced stages, the teeth can become loose and fall out – even if they’ve never had a cavity. Since teeth are hard to come by, it’s worth it to take care of the ones you have! As a dentist in Chevy Chase, we’re going to clear up five common myths about gum disease so you can have a better understanding of this common condition.