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5 Important Reasons to Never Skip Your Dental Exams

July 18, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — Ronan Freyne @ 11:06 pm
A woman seated in a dentist's chair speaking to a female dentist.

It can sometimes be a little too easy to find ways to justify not doing important things. For example, you might allow yourself to avoid making a phone call you’re dreading because you could disturb the recipient during dinner, or you may delay getting your car an oil change because you tell yourself you won’t be driving far this month. But when it comes to your dental cleaning and checkup, skipping these vital appointments can be not just costly, but dangerous too. Here’s why you should never delay caring for your oral health.

Damage & Decay

Aside from having sparkly-clean teeth, the main goal of your dental cleaning and exam is to rule out any potential problems such as tooth decay. Sometimes it can be easy to tell there is a problem with your tooth just by looking at it, however in some cases cavities can be hard to spot to the untrained eye. Unfortunately, this makes it all the easier for a small cavity to grow into a much larger one, and require a much larger filling, crown, root canal, or extraction.  What could once have been a reversible cavity or relatively inexpensive fix could morph into a much more costly (and uncomfortable) repair.

Gum Disease

The first stage of gum disease is known as gingivitis. Gingivitis is easily reversible if caught early enough, but without proper intervention, it can eventually morph into periodontitis. Periodontitis can cause you to lose gum tissue, teeth, and even portions of your jawbone. Regular visits to your dentist can help spot and stop gingivitis before it turns into periodontitis, but if it’s too late your dentist can also help treat gum disease and prevent further, more permanent damage.

Oral Cancer Screenings

Oral cancer is a growing problem in America, but thankfully your dentist is trained to screen for it.  If caught early enough it can be curable, however, if you let it go undetected it can be deadly. Thus, attending your regular, semi-annual dental appointments can not just save your teeth, but it can also save your life!

Health & Wellness

Your mouth is the gateway to your entire body. It’s where you eat, speak, and breathe from. It can let in good things like nutritious foods as well as bad things like dangerous bacteria. In fact, some studies have shown that people with higher levels of certain oral bacteria are at a higher risk of developing dementia later in life. It has even been linked to heart disease and diabetes. Seeing your dentist regularly can help keep your mouth and body free of these dangerous invaders and protect your entire body from illness.

Financial Benefits

Do you have dental insurance? If you are currently paying for this coverage and not using it, you are quite literally wasting your money. Dental insurance was designed to protect your teeth by providing preventive coverage, so it pays to take advantage of your benefits before you need to pay for costly restorations out of pocket.

Remember, there will always be an excuse to get out of doing whatever activity you don’t really want to do, but skipping your dental exams can be an expensive and dangerous mistake. Don’t put your oral and overall health at risk: schedule your semi-annual dental exam today.

About Dr. Freyne

Dr. Ronan Freyne believes the key to excellent oral health is working together with the patient to help them achieve their individual oral health goals. With Dr. Freyne, each person who walks through his doors is treated with dignity and respect, so that caring for your teeth and gums is never something you want to avoid.

To schedule an exam and cleaning with Dr. Freyne, please visit our website or call us today at 301-986-0700.

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